Auburn, Washington - Wikipedia. Auburn, Washington. City. Nickname(s): A- town. Motto: "More Than You Imagined"Location of Auburn in King County. Location in the United States.

The Slaughter Full Movie Part 1The Slaughter Full Movie Part 1

Learning from the Slaughter in Attica What the 1971 uprising and massacre reveal about our prison system and the liberal democratic state. The true American story of a legendary family feud that spanned decades and nearly launched a war.

Gotham EP John Stephens reveals how Butch will become the comic book version of Solomon Grundy—and will team-up with the Riddler in season 4. Auburn was originally incorporated as Slaughter, Washington after Lt. William Slaughter, who died in a skirmish fighting Native Americans which are now a part of the.

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Coordinates: 4. 7°1. N1. 22°1. 2′5. 3″W / 4. N 1. 22. 2. 14. 72°W / 4. Coordinates: 4. 7°1. N1. 22°1. 2′5. 3″W / 4. N 1. 22. 2. 14. 72°W / 4.

Country. United States. State. Washington. Counties. King, Pierce. Founded. June 1. 3, 1. Government • Type. Mayor- Council • Mayor.

Nancy Backus. Area[1] • Total. Land. 29. 6. 2 sq mi (7. Water. 0. 2. 7 sq mi (0.

Elevation. 82. 6. Population (2. 01. Total. 70,1. 80 • Estimate (2.

Rank. US: 4. 41st • Density. Time zone. PST (UTC- 8) • Summer (DST)PDT (UTC- 7)ZIP codes.

Area code(s)2. 53. FIPS code. 53- 0. GNIS feature ID1.

Websitewww. auburnwa. Auburn is a city in King County and additionally Pierce County, Washington, United States; with the majority of spatial land area within King County. The population was 7.

United States Census.[6] Auburn is a suburb in the Seattle metropolitan area. Auburn is currently ranked the fourteenth largest city in the state of Washington.[7]Auburn is bordered by the cities of Federal Way, Pacific, and Algona to the west, Sumner to the south, Kent to the north, and unincorporated King County to the east. The Muckleshoot Indian Reservation is in or near the southern city limits.[8]History[edit]Auburn was originally incorporated as Slaughter, Washington after Lt. William Slaughter, who died in a skirmish fighting Native Americans which are now a part of the modern day Muckleshoot tribe in 1. At the time, the main hotel in town was called the "Slaughter House." In 1. Auburn, New York, moved to Slaughter, and renamed the town to "Auburn."[1. Due to this history, when Auburn was building its second high school in the mid- 1.

Slaughter High School," but it was eventually decided that the name would be "Auburn Riverside High School," whose mascots are the Ravens.[citation needed]There are several locations in and around Auburn on the National and State Registers of Historic Places including the Neely Mansion. Neely Mansion, Spring of 2. The city of Auburn, located 2. Seattle, Washington, was home to some of the earliest settlers in King County. Nestled in a fertile river valley, Auburn has been both a farm community and a center of business and industry for more than 1.

Auburn is located near the original confluence of the Green and White rivers, both of which contain runoff water from the Cascade Mountain range. The valley was originally the home of the Skopamish, Smalhkamish, and Stkamish Indian tribes. The first white men in the region were explorers and traders who arrived in the 1. Settlers first came to the valley in the 1. In November, a military unit led by Lieutenant William Slaughter camped near what is now Auburn.

A new treaty was written which provided the establishment of the Muckleshoot reservation, one of only two Indian reservations now within the boundaries of King County (the Snoqualmie Tribe being the other). The White River tribes collectively became known as the Muckleshoot tribe. White settlers, the Neely and Ballard families began returning to the area. In 1. 89. 1, the town of Slaughter incorporated. Although many older citizens considered the town's name as a memorial, many newer residents understandably felt uncomfortable with it. Within two years, the town was renamed Auburn, taken from the first line of Oliver Goldsmith's poem, The Deserted Village: "Sweet Auburn! Loveliest village of the plain."Auburn had been a bustling center for hop farming until 1.

After that, the farms were mostly dairy farms and berry farms. Nevertheless, flooding was still a problem for Auburn farmers up until the Howard A.

Hanson Dam was opened in 1. This dam on the Green River, along with the Mud Mountain Dam on the White River, provided controlled river management, which left the valley nearly flood- free and opened up the rich bottom lands for industrial development. Another impetus to Auburn's growth was the railroad. The Northern Pacific Railway's subsidiary the Northern Pacific and Puget Sound Shore Railroad opened a line from approximately Puyallup, Washington, through to Seattle, Washington, in 1. The Seattle- Tacoma Interurban line that allowed easy access to both cities starting in 1. The railroad, along with better roads, caused many new companies to set up business in Auburn, among them the Borden Condensery (which made Borden's Condensed Milk) and the Northern Clay Company. Through the twentieth century Auburn grew like many American towns.

Many young men went off to fight in the First World War, which was followed by the great influenza epidemic. The 1. 92. 0s were prosperous for citizens, but the Great Depression of the 1. World War II brought great hardship to many local Japanese- American farmers when they were moved to internment camps and their land taken from them. At the same time, local boys were sent to fight in the Pacific, North Africa, and Europe.

Many were wounded and some died in battle. The post- war era was prosperous to Auburn, bringing more businesses and a community college to the city. In 1. 96. 3, the Boeing Company built a large facility to mill sheet metal skin for jet airliners. As time went on, many farms disappeared as the land was converted to industrial use. Watch Bound To Vengeance Online (2017). In 1. 99. 5, The Super. Mall of the Great Northwest was built in the valley, bringing in consumers from all over the Puget Sound region. Much of the city's transition from agricultural small town to industrial and suburban development remains.

A monument in the memory of Lieutenant Slaughter, erected in 1. The Neely Mansion, built by the son of a pioneer in 1.

National Register of Historic Places. Auburn's downtown still maintains a "Main Street U. S. A." appearance. In 2. 00. 8, Auburn nearly doubled its population by annexing the West Hill and Lea Hill neighborhoods of unincorporated King County. Geography[edit]Auburn is located at 4. N1. 22°1. 2′5. 3″W / 4.

N 1. 22. 2. 14. 72°W / 4. According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of 2. Two rivers, the White River and, to a greater extent, the Green River flow through Auburn. Historically, the Stuck River ran through the settlement of Stuck, which is now a small pocket of unincorporated King County within southern Auburn. In 1. 90. 6, the flow of the White River was diverted into the Stuck's channel near today's Game Farm Park.[1. References to the Stuck River still appear in some property legal descriptions and place names, e. Stuck River Drive, within Auburn, but today it is essentially indistinguishable from the southern White River.[1.

Geographic location of Auburn[edit]Auburn has an extensive system of parks, open space and urban trails consisting of 2. Auburn's 4. 5 mile (7 km) portion of the Interurban Trail for bikers, walkers, runners and skaters), and almost 2.

Environmental Park[edit]The Auburn Environmental Park (AEP) is an innovative project that seeks to create a regionally significant open space in an urbanized area that offers opportunities for wetland ecosystem restoration, fish and wildlife enhancement, water quality improvement, economic development, stormwater detention and flood control, public education, and recreation. The AEP is an approximately 1. Street NW to the north, the Interurban Trail to the east, West Main Street to the south and State Route 1. Auburn's records and averages[edit]Climate data for Auburn, Washington. Month. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov.

Dec. Year. Record high °F (°C)6. Average high °F (°C)4. Average low °F (°C)3. Record low °F (°C)−1. Average precipitation inches (mm)5.

Source: Weather. com[1. Transportation[edit]Auburn (Sounder station) located downtown is a major hub for the Green River Valley, also home to the Auburn International Farmers Market which is held on Sundays. Auburn has many large roads nearby and within city limits, including Washington State Route 1.

Valley Freeway," and Washington State Route 1.

Famous Movie Wise Men Who Were Totally Full of Shit. And how in the hell was Batman supposed to apply this advice to his situation?

Take out the Joker by torching Gotham? Just detonate that building he was holed up in during the climax? Then we have the other fatherly guiding hand in the Batman reboots, Lucius Fox. He's played by Morgan Freeman, who you may remember played a wise old prisoner in The Shawshank Redemption; a wise old President in Deep Impact; a wise old Civil War soldier in Glory; a wise old detective in Se. God in the Almighty movies: He started his career as a wise, old Easy Reader.↓Continue Reading Below. Lucius Fox: "You've taken my sonar concept and applied it to every cell phone in the city.. This is wrong." And later, "Spying on 3.

Damn right! See, this is the wise man an obsessed Batman needs. One who'll put his foot down.."I'll help you this one time. But consider this my resignation."Ah, OK. Maybe not. See, Lucius has a strong set of moral guidelines he always follows unless they interfere with whatever he happens to be doing at the present time. We said before that Morpheus' line of reasoning was shared by every terrorist and war criminal, but Lucius' "I stick by my ethics except when it's really important" is what virtually every bad person in the world believes.

Sentences like, "I don't lie unless I really have to," have as much meaning as, "I don't drink beer except for when I drink beer." Any time they feel the slightest like lying, they'll simply declare it a "really have to" situation. It's the same reason it's not OK for cops to fake evidence "when they're really sure the guy is guilty.""I really enjoy cotton candy, except when I don't."↓Continue Reading Below. And the thing is, when you watch the movie you expect the "one- time" breach of ethics to blow up in Batman's face. After all, he spends the finale refuting the Joker's thesis that people are only good when it's convenient (the point of his whole "bombs on the boats" stunt), while actively doing something that proves the Joker right. So how this hypocrisy come back to bite Bruce? It doesn't! The "unethical" machine works, they catch the bad guy, then they destroy the machine while Lucius stands by and nods approvingly. Everything is fine again!

And they'll never violate the civil rights of Gotham's citizens again! You know, until they really, really need to. You can read more from Dave at www. Want to write articles like this for Cracked, become internet famous and make actual money?

Go here and say you want in. No experience necessary. For more absolutely awful advice that has been doled out to the masses, check out The 5 Worst Sources of Advice on Television and The 2. Worst Pieces of Advice Ever Published. And stop by our Top Picks (Updated 3. Swaim has really taken to him). And check out what some sports wise men would look like as beer, from our good friends at the Bleacher Report.

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