Chambersburg, Pennsylvania - Wikipedia. Chambersburg, Pennsylvania. Borough. Borough of Chambersburg. Memorial Square in downtown Chambersburg.

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Location of Chambersburg in Franklin County, Pennsylvania. Location in Pennsylvania and the United States. Coordinates: 3. 9°5. N7. 7°3. 9′4. 0″W / 3.

N 7. 7. 6. 61. 11°W / 3. Coordinates: 3. 9°5. N7. 7°3. 9′4. 0″W / 3. N 7. 7. 6. 61. 11°W / 3. Country. United States.

State. Pennsylvania. County. Franklin County. Founded. 17. 34. Incorporated. March 2. 1, 1. 80. Government • Mayor.

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Darren Brown[1]Area[2] • Borough. Land. 6. 9. 2 sq mi (1. Water. 0. 0. 0 sq mi (0. Showtime Full Pirates Of The Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales Online Free. Elevation[3]6. 30 ft (1. Population (2. 01. Urban as of 2. 00. Borough. 20,2. 68 • Estimate (2.

Chambersburg is a borough in the South Central region of Pennsylvania, United States. It is 13 miles (21 km) north of Maryland and the Mason-Dixon line and 52 miles. Online Books, eBooks/eText - Harrold's Classroom, Student & Teacher Links. Jango is about making online music social, fun and simple. Free personal radio that learns from your taste and connects you to others who like what you like. Our film critics on blockbusters, independents and everything in between.

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Density. 2,9. 87. Urban. 52,2. 73 • Metro. Micropolitan area)Time zone.

EST (UTC- 5) • Summer (DST)EDT (UTC- 4)ZIP codes. Area code(s)7. 17. FIPS code. 42- 1. Website. Official website. Chambersburg is a borough in the South Central region of Pennsylvania, United States. It is 1. 3 miles (2. Maryland and the Mason- Dixon line and 5.

Harrisburg in the Cumberland Valley, which is part of the Great Appalachian Valley. Chambersburg is the county seat of Franklin County. According to the United States Census Bureau the 2. When combined with the surrounding Greene, Hamilton, and Guilford Townships, the population of Greater Chambersburg is 5. Chambersburg is at the core of the Chambersburg, PA Micropolitan Statistical Area which includes surrounding Franklin County. The population of the Chambersburg Micropolitan Area in 2.

Chambersburg's settlement began in 1. Conococheague Creek and Falling Spring Creek that now run through the center of the town. Its history includes episodes relating to the French and Indian War, the Whiskey Rebellion, John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry, and the American Civil War.

The borough was the only major northern community burned down by Confederate forces during the war.[7][8]Chambersburg is located along the Lincoln Highway, U. S. 3. 0, between Mc. Connellsburg and Gettysburg, Pennsylvania and along U. S. 1. 1, the Molly Pitcher Highway, between Shippensburg, Pennsylvania, and Hagerstown, Maryland. Interstate 8. 1 skirts the borough to its east.

The town also lies approximately midpoint on US Route 3. Pittsburgh and Philadelphia with the local geography reflecting both flatter areas like Philadelphia and mountainous areas like Pittsburgh. History[edit]European settlement[edit]. Franklin County Courthouse following the 1.

Mc. Causland raid. Native Americans living or hunting in the area during the 1. Watch Hyena Online here. Iroquois, Lenape and Shawnee.[9] "Falling Spring" was first settled by Benjamin Chambers, a Scots- Irish immigrant, in 1. Falling Spring Creek joined Conococheague Creek.[1.

The creek provided power to the mills, and the settlement was known as "Falling Spring."On March 3. Chambers was issued a "Blunston license" for 4.

Penn family, but European settlement in the area was of questionable legality until the treaty ending the French and Indian War, because not all Indian tribes with land claims had signed treaties.[1. The Penn family encouraged settlement in the area in order to strengthen its case in a border dispute with the Maryland Colony, which had resulted in hostilities known as Cresap's War. This dispute was not settled until 1. Mason- Dixon line. Chambers traveled to England to testify in support of Penn's claims.[1. To maintain peace with the Indians, European settlers were sometimes removed from the nearby area. In May 1. 75. 0, Benjamin Chambers participated in removing settlers from nearby Burnt Cabins, which took its name from the incident.[1.

The area was officially part of Chester County, then Lancaster, and then Cumberland until it became part of the newly established Franklin County in 1. The Great Wagon Road connecting Philadelphia with the Shenandoah Valley passed nearby. In 1. 74. 4, it was completed through Harris's Ferry, Carlisle, Shippensburg, and Chambersburg to the Potomac River.[1. Fry- Jefferson map depicting 'The Great Waggon Road to Philadelphia'In 1. Indians, with Benjamin Chambers being named colonel. Chambersburg was on the frontier during the French and Indian War. The area's population dropped from about 3,0.

Benjamin Chambers built a private stone fort during the war, which was equipped with two 4 pounder cannons and fighting occurred nearby.[1. Because Chambers's fort was otherwise lightly defended, the authorities attempted to remove the cannons to prevent them from being captured by Indians and used against other forts. The attempted removal was unsuccessful, and one of the cannons was used to celebrate Independence Day in 1. The Forbes Road and other trails going to Fort Pitt passed nearby as well.[2. The Forbes Road developed into part of the main road connecting Pittsburg and Philadelphia, and much later into US 3. Chambersburg developed as a transportation hub at the crossroads of Forbes Road and the Great Wagon Road. Fighting continued in the area after the war, most notably the Enoch Brown school massacre during Pontiac's War and the Black Boys rebellion against British troops at Fort Loudon.[2.

The first settlers were Scots- Irish Presbyterians and German Protestants came soon afterward. Quakers and English Protestants, who made up a large proportion of early Pennsylvania settlers, did not often move as far west as Chambersburg. Watch The Shootist HDQ on this page. Blacks lived in Chambersburg almost from the start of settlement. Benjamin Chambers owned a black female slave sometime before the French and Indian War and twenty slaves were recorded as taxable property in 1.

The earliest church was established by Scots- Irish Presbyterians in 1. Chambers gave land to the congregation in 1. Later land was given to the First Lutheran Church (1. Zion Reformed Church (organized in 1.

Rose Rent Churches."[2. A Catholic community organized in 1. The Jewish cemetery dates back to 1. The Mt. Moriah First African Baptist Church dates to 1.

The town was first laid out in 1. July 1. 9 in Benjamin Franklin's Pennsylvania Gazette. Notice is hereby given to the Public, that there is a town is laid out on Conegogig Creek, on both sides of the Great Falling Spring, where is falls into said creek, by Benjamin Chambers, of Cumberland County. Lots may be had on reasonable terms and Firm Deeds granted for them by said Chambers: the day appointed for drawing of said lots is the 2. June inst. which is a Thursday. The situation of this town is very good for water and stone, both free and marble, and sand all handy to the spot, and a well timbered part of the country adjoining it; within said town is a good Gistmill, Sawmill, and Grindstones going by water. The articles of the Town shall be read on the day appointed for the drawing of the Lots, and the terms of the sale published by me.

Central Presbyterian Church on the Diamond (town square) in an old postcard. In June 1. 77. 5, soon after the Battle of Lexington, local troops were raised to fight the British in the American Revolution under the command of Benjamin Chambers's eldest son Captain James Chambers, as part of the 1st Pennsylvania Regiment.[2.

These troops were among the first non- New Englanders to join the siege of Boston, arriving on August 7, 1. James Chambers fought for seven years during the revolution, reaching the rank of Colonel of Continental troops on September 2. His two brothers, William and Benjamin, Jr., each served for much of the war and reached the rank of Captain.[2. James Chambers commanded local troops at the Battle of Long Island, and at White Plains, Trenton, Princeton, Brandywine, Germantown and Monmouth. He was part of the rear guard covering the retreat from Brooklyn, and was wounded at the Battle of Brandywine while facing Hessian troops under General Knuphausen at Chadds Ford.[3.

During the Whiskey Rebellion, local citizens raised a liberty pole in support of the rebels, and to protest conscription of soldiers to put down the rebellion. Nevertheless, these citizens were censured in a town meeting and removed the pole the next day.[3.